Drink Spike Test Kit
The Drink Spike Test Kit is your first line of defense against getting roofied. These kits are the first and only test that detects all three of the most common date rape drugs- GHB, Rohypnol (yeah, those damn roofies) and Ketamine - with a listed protective sensitivity and a drink dilution step.
By picking up on these drugs, our test helps reduce the risk of sexual assault and being taken advantage of. If your drink or something seems off, take it to the bathroom—no one questions what goes on in there. Wise up, suit up, and test your drink. Life's too wild to go unprotected.
99% accurate when used as directed
Results in 5 minutes
Tests both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for the presence of GHB (at 500 µg/ml), ketamine (at 15 µg/ml) and flunitrazepam (rohypnol or roofies) (at 10 µg/ml)
Tested & approved by 3rd party labs